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The revised and updated version of the SUMP guidelines were released at the CIVITAS Forum 2019, to support cities in their efforts to create an integrated Susta...

22 Oct, 2019

This article was written by Arjen Klinkenberg, Project Officer at Fietsersbond (the Dutch Cyclists’ Union). At the end of August this year, Fietsersbond was hap...

22 Oct, 2019

By the end of September, the yearly count of fatal road accidents reached 1,000,000 victims worldwide. Europe alone accounted for...

09 Oct, 2019

On the 15th of November 2018, the European Parliament supported the development of intermodal transportation by backing a proposal that will entitle passengers...

08 Oct, 2019

For the past decades, urban planning focused on crafting car-friendly cities. As a result, the number of inactive Europeans has risen to 235 million. The PACTE...

08 Oct, 2019