Supporting and Encouraging Cycling in Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning

22 Oct, 2019
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The revised and updated version of the SUMP guidelines were released at the CIVITAS Forum 2019, to support cities in their efforts to create an integrated Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan. The SUMP framework aims at the overall improvement of the mobility system of a town or city. The practitioner briefing for cycling provides guidelines on how to fully integrate cycling in sustainable urban mobility planning.

Although the European average modal split for cycling is 8%, bicycle use varies significantly across the European continent. To bridge this gap and raise this average, cycling must be made as easy and as safe as possible. With the right support and framework, it is feasible to increase cycle use across the EU by at least 50%.

Read our Practitioner Briefing and find out how to support cycling at the local level

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Anna-Karina Reibold's picture
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