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Danielle Hoppe, Active Transportation Manager at the Institute for Transportation & Development Policy (ITDP) skilfully moderated a lively Pecha Kucha sessi...

15 Jun, 2018

Marie Kastrup, the Head of the Bicycle Programme in the City of Copenhagen, kicked off the “Shopping by Bike” session. In her presentation she told the story ab...

15 Jun, 2018

The third day of Velo-city started with a stimulating discussion about “Intermodality”. In a nutshell, the plenary discussed the power of the bicycle in an inte...

15 Jun, 2018

The Scientist for Cycling session on the second day of Velo-city focused on studies around the cycling economy. The first session was opened by Luiz Saldanha fr...

14 Jun, 2018

In the first infrastructural session on Velo-city 2018 we discussed the challenges related to the design of cycling infrastructure in cities and metropolis...

13 Jun, 2018

Topics: Socio-economic and environmental impact of traffic congestion in major cities. Impacts on cities, pollution, time and quality of life; cycling as one of...

13 Jun, 2018

Velo-city 2018 kicked off with a dynamic and inspirational plenary about “City for all”. In a nutshell, the plenary discussed sustainable urban development and...

13 Jun, 2018

Through Velo-city 2018 article series we will be taking a closer look into sessions coordinated by ECF partner organizations and institutions and learn more abo...

01 Jun, 2018

Through Velo-city 2018 article series we will be taking a closer look into sessions coordinated by ECF partner organizations and institutions and learn more abo...

28 May, 2018

Through Velo-city 2018 article series we will be taking a closer look into sessions coordinated by ECF partner organizations and institutions and learn more abo...

28 May, 2018

The narrative of Velo-city 2018 tells us that to “Learn to Live in order to achieve Happiness and Quality of Life, we need to Integrate Life and Transport gener...

14 May, 2018

Today the revised Energy Performance of Buildings Directive took the last legislative hurdle by being adopted in Council [1]. Among other, it promotes electro-m...

14 May, 2018
