Partner Sessions at Velo-city 2018: C40

28 May, 2018
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Through Velo-city 2018 article series we will be taking a closer look into sessions coordinated by ECF partner organizations and institutions and learn more about their main theme and participating speakers. The article series on Partner Sessions continue with C40’s session: How cities in Colombia are stepping up a gear in promoting cycling infrastructure.

C40, a long-standing partner of ECF in the sustainable transport world, is a network of the world’s megacities committed to addressing climate change. C40 supports cities to collaborate effectively, share knowledge and drive meaningful, measurable and sustainable action on climate change.

This is the first time that Velo-City, the world’s foremost cycling policy conference, is held in Latin America and the first time it is held in a city in the Global South. It is therefore an opportunity to highlight successful examples of cycling outside more renowned European cities, and to promote a more comprehensive and global analysis of urban cycling. Cities in Colombia, with the support of the national Colombian government and international organisations, are riding full speed to promote sustainable mobility and cycling in particular. The Colombian Ministry of Transportation, has established CIUDAT, an inter-ministerial coordinating body, to create a strong enabling environment for cycling infrastructure. Particularly relevant is the Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action for Active Transport and Demand Management (NAMA TANDEM), whose objective is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by encouraging cycling and reducing private car use; it is currently the only NAMA in the world to include measures to promote cycling. 19 Colombian cities are part of the NAMA TANDEM, including Bogotá, Pereira, Cali, among others. The session is an opportunity to hear about all the initiatives taking place in Colombia, and how the country is positioning itself as a leader on cycling in Latin America and beyond. It will include contributions from city officials and representatives of international organisations who are supporting the implementation of these initiatives.

The C40 session will feature exceptional speakers such as:

  • Ivan de la Lanza Gamiz, Active Mobility Manager, World Resources Institute, Mexico.
  • Ana Milena Gómez Gúzman, Advisor to the Secretaría de Movilidad, Bogotá, Columbia.
  • Carolina Hernández, Senior Project Advisor for Bogotá, C40 Cities Finance Facility, Columbia.
  • Aris Moro, C40 Cities Finance Facility, Brazil.


The C40 session is scheduled for Day 4 of Velo-city 2018; Friday 15th June 2018 at 11:40-12:40.

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