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Bratislava, HEAT conference

BRUSSELS, 14/07/2016 - This month the Slovaks took up the EU rotating presidency, with a number of events. The full program is here.  ECF will attend...

14 Jul, 2016

On 20 July, in the Slovak Ministry for Transport, ECF member Ekopolis will host a workshop on the WHO’s Health Economic Assessment Tool. HEAT “is designed...

08 Jul, 2016
Transport Pollution NEC Directive Air quality

After long negotiations, the European Union has finally decided on an update of the National Emission Ceilings Directive (NEC Directive) to improve ai...

06 Jul, 2016

ECF has started work to put cycling into a number of platforms and initiatives that will be needed for Smarter Cycling to become a reality. This is the beginnin...

04 Jul, 2016