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ECF HEAT workshop at Slovak Ministry for Transport, hosted by Ekopolis in Bratislava


20 Jul, 2016 10:00 - 11:00

On 20 July, in the Slovak Ministry for Transport, ECF member Ekopolis will host a workshop on the WHO’s Health Economic Assessment Tool. HEAT “is designed to help you conduct an economic assessment of the health benefits of walking or cycling by estimating the value of reduced mortality that results from specified amounts of walking or cycling. The workshop is scheduled to begin at 10am, Wednesday, 20/07/2016 in the Slovak Ministry for Transport.

There are still places available at the workshop. If you wish to attend, contact Mr Jan Rohac from Ekopolis (

This event is held in the margin of SKEU2016 events. ECF will attend the conference on Education in and through Sport which the Slovak government is generously hosting on 18-20 July. The ECF goal there is to focus on opportunities for expanding cycling in SK. 


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