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The latest ECF report on the Cycling Economy puts the health value at €96.55 billion per year as calculated by the WHO’s Health Economic Assessment tool (HEAT)...

12 Dec, 2016

Research reports show: 1. Air pollution does not negate the health benefits of cycling and walking unless you’re cycling more than 5 hours daily in some of the...

10 Nov, 2016

  Groningen is set to spend €85,000,000 promoting cycling in the next 5 years. This was confirmed by the city cycling policy officer, Mr Jaap Valkema, who...

25 Oct, 2016
Bratislava, HEAT conference

BRUSSELS, 14/07/2016 - This month the Slovaks took up the EU rotating presidency, with a number of events. The full program is here.  ECF will attend...

14 Jul, 2016