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On 12 November, the European Investment Bank (EIB) Board of Directors approved the institution’s new Climate Bank Roadmap. The new strategy sets out how the EIB...

18 Nov, 2020

In the wake of the COVID-19 crisis, a growing number of national, regional, and local authorities in Europe have turned to cycling as a mobility solution...

29 Oct, 2020

According to the latest market report from CONEBI, ECF’s partners in the bicycle industry, e-bikes remain strong drivers of growth in an otherwise stable EU bic...

17 Jul, 2020

Cycling as a resilient and healthy mode of transport has received a lot of attention in media and politics during the last weeks. The first available data from...

23 Jun, 2020

Just as many other businesses across Europe and the world, the sectors of the cycling economy are hit hard by the coronavirus crisis. However, a large majority...

20 Apr, 2020

Cycling is an important component for shaping the mobility of the future. For municipalities of all sizes, more bicycle traffic means less congestion, less nois...

02 Oct, 2019

In its annual assessment of the economic and social situation in the EU, the European Commission set out first ideas as to how EU funds can help Member States w...

27 Mar, 2019

2018 was a year full of activities for the Scientists for Cycling network and its members. Here is a look back at the highlights of the year and an overvie...

17 Dec, 2018

On Wednesday, 24 October, the Government of Navarre has joined to ECF’s network Cities & Regions for Cyclists, confirming its interest in promoting cyc...

31 Oct, 2018

In the framework of the final conference of the FLOW and TRACE final conference, ECF organised an inspiring workshop for its Scientists for Cycling network. Bes...

05 Apr, 2018

The European Commission's Directorate-General for Research and Innovation has recently published two documents related to cities and urban development: The Pub...

11 Jan, 2018