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ECF analysis: TEN-T proposal represents important step forward for cycling, but also some missed opportunities

The proposal for a revised Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) regulation by the European Commission, presented on 14 December as part of the “Efficient an...The EU’s flagship transport policy – the Trans-European Transport Network – is up for revision and a proposal by the Commission to properly define “active modes...

22 Dec, 2021

On 14 December, the European Commission presented its “Efficient and Green Mobility” package with revised legislative proposals on the Trans-European Transport...ECF, CIE and CONEBI welcome the European Commission’s “Efficient and Green Mobility” package, which elevates cycling to a priority level across the whole European Union,...

15 Dec, 2021

The European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) has joined forces with French organisations Fédération française des usagers de la bicyclette (FUB) and Vélo & Terri...ECF and its French partners demonstrate how France can boost cycling levels during its six-month presidency of the Council of the EU. Recommendations include new legislat...

09 Dec, 2021
How much does a cycle track cost?

“How much will it cost to build a network of cycle routes?” is a question frequently asked to the European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF). Recently even more so wit...The price tag on a cycle track can vary greatly from under €50,000 to over €10,000,000 per kilometre. Why is that? What elements influence the price tag on cycling infras...

01 Apr, 2021

The #VisionaryCities Series is a collection of best practices and success stories from visionary local authority leaders contributing to making cycling in Europ...

28 Jan, 2021
TEN-T core network schematics

The Trans-European Transport Network is the EU’s flagship transport policy, covering a network of roads, railway lines, inland waterways, ports, maritime shippi...The European Parliament adopted on 19 January 2021 an own-initiative report on the upcoming revision of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) guidelines....

21 Jan, 2021
There are nearly 8000 locations where EuroVelo and TEN-T networks overlap. The number would be much higher if we included national and local cycling networks.

The European Commission has published the Inception Impact Assessment for revision of the Union Guidelines for the development of the trans-European transport n...

01 Dec, 2020
F3 - a cycle highway along a high speed railway; photo credit: Province Flemish Brabant

The F3 cycle highway connects Leuven with Brussels, most of the time following service roads built as a part of a TEN-T railway upgrade. But several investments...

20 Nov, 2020

In a joint political declaration on Tuesday (14 July), Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands called on the EU to prioritise cycling in the post-virus recovery...

22 Jul, 2020
TEN-T core corridors schematics

During an extraordinary meeting on 23 June 2020, the European Parliament's Committee on Transport and Tourism had an exchange of views with the EU Commissi...

29 Jun, 2020

In April 2019 the revision of the directive 2008/96/EC on Road Infrastructure Safety Management Directive was officially accepted by the European Parliament ple...

10 May, 2019
Cycling Underwater Mini Series – Kennedy Tunnel in Antwerp

Underwater tunnels are not typical cycling facilities. But in a few cases, such tunnels provide an important cycling connection. We start a new mini-series with...

08 Mar, 2019
