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A bicycle-friendly workplace is great for companies and their employees. Cycling can contribute to the success of a business or organisation and supporting empl...

05 Feb, 2018

200 years ago, in 1817, Karl von Drais built the first “running machine”, the predecessor of the modern bicycle, in the city of Mannheim (Germany). To celebrate...

26 Sep, 2017

On the 30th of January 2017, Shimano Europe opened its new headquarters in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. This multinational producer of cycling components is one...

03 Feb, 2017

Every year, cycling in 28 EU Member States (MSs) creates economic benefits of 513 billion €, that is more than 1000€ per inhabitant! These findings were calcula...

06 Dec, 2016

Liveable cities are economically successful, and cyclists are good customers – more and more local businesses in Europe understand this link and work together w...

09 Aug, 2016

The report, which will be published in full later this year, is an updated version of an earlier study from 2014. It bases its estimates on data collected from...From 8 to 10 June, environment ministers and state secretaries from the pan-European region, including Russia and Central Asia, met in Batumi, Georgia, to discuss the way...

08 Jul, 2016

Russia and several CIS countries held an International Congress on Cycling. The event gathered delegates from the greatest cycling countries, to share their exp...

18 May, 2016

Tourism is the third biggest industry in the EU and one of the driving forces of the European economy. It creates jobs, regional development and growth. Sustain...

27 Apr, 2016

On 27 September, Ségolène Royal, the French Minister for the Environment, confirmed in a radio interview that a kilometric reimbursement scheme for employees cy...

16 Dec, 2015

WHO/Europe, UNECE & UNEP are collecting data to highlight the job creation potential of cycling. It is a project under the Transport Health and Environment...

27 Jul, 2015

Photo: J. Freire   For the first time the Spanish government has launched subsidies to buy electric bicycles as a way to improve air quality. Spain is a count...

15 Jan, 2014

For the first time since records began, Spaniards bought more bicycles than cars. Last year, 780.000 bicycles were sold vs. 700.000 cars in Spain. While the nu...

17 Sep, 2013
