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Cities are becoming increasingly important. Up to 70% of the EU’s population lives in urban areas, they consume about 80% of the EU’s energy use and generate up...

27 May, 2016

The European Commission has invested time and energy to promote Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs). This is a new term for what exists in a number of citi...

17 May, 2016

Air pollution is one of Europe’s biggest ‘invisible killers’, causing 403.000 premature deaths in 2012 alone. As well as the terrible suffering that air quality...

22 Apr, 2016

Urban areas across Europe are suffering negative impacts like poor air quality, growing CO2 emissions, congestion, nuisance and safety issues. Cylelogistic...

12 Apr, 2016
cycling data map

With an average of 12% bicycle use is Flanders (Belgium) part of the top regions in Europe for everyday cycling, after the Netherlands and Denmark (respectively...

31 Mar, 2016

Velo-city Taipei 2016 hosted the Cities for Cyclists network for its annual general meeting. The cycling cities ambassadors gathered to discuss the emerging iss...

18 Mar, 2016

Yesterday’s (3rd February) decision by the European Parliament on Real Driving Emissions leaves cities and it’s people suffering from dirty air in the cold...

04 Feb, 2016

The report answering this question is now available online and printed! This report, developed and produced by the European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF), has...

02 Feb, 2016
