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Cycling as a strategic priority 2023 will be remembered as the year cycling was elevated to a strategic priority in Europe, with major breakthroughs such as the...By Jill Warren and Mike Brennan. 2023: the year cycling was elevated to a strategic priority in Europe, as ECF’s work took cycling to brand new heights and pave...

14 Dec, 2023

Another amazing year for cycling comes to an end and it’s our little tradition to share a list of the best and most-read articles of the last 12 months. It’s ou...Time to leave 2022 behind us with an overview highlighting the best and most read ECF articles of the year.

15 Dec, 2022

Often when we consider what makes a successful cycling city, it is not uncommon to end up ruminating over familiar hard-line ideas and solutions: state-of-the-a...ECF outlines the vital role that civil initiatives and soft measures play in creating a successful cycling city. We focus in on Cork Cycling Campaign to highlight good pr...

17 Oct, 2022

On 2 October, hundreds of cyclists convened in cities across Greece for demonstrations organised by the Hellenic Urban Cycling Federation. The demonstrations in...Hundreds of cyclists gather in Athens and other cities for demonstrations organised by ECF Member Hellenic Urban Cycling Federation. Protestors demand the government move...

17 Oct, 2022

More than 20 experts from different organisations involved in the EU Cycling Strategy Campaign gathered for the 1st time on 25 November in order to develop a bl...

30 Nov, 2016

Latest news from the ECF. Read about the EU Roadmap for cycling, EuroVelo conference, Radloby court case and much more!

17 Oct, 2016