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The Platform for European Bicycle Sharing and Systems kicked-off with a bang. Over a hundred leaders of the top global industries in the shared bicycle mob...

30 Jun, 2017

As part of our work to help cycling and the bike industry into the world of smart, connected and shared mobility we are working with visionaries and leaders who...

26 May, 2017

As part of our work to help cycling and the bike industry into the world of smart, connected and shared mobility we are working with visionaries and leaders who...

20 Dec, 2016

From the 6th to the 9th of October, Autonomy will transform Paris into the capital of the new urban mobility. ECF won’t miss this opportunity to show urban plan...

23 Sep, 2016

Bike industry leaders, innovative data and connectivity companies, bike users and technology experts gathered in Friedrichshafen today for the European Cyclists...

30 Aug, 2016

The market value of data in the age of the Internet of Things was estimated at US$19 trillion per year by the CEO of CISCO in 2014, of which $4.6 tril...

19 Jul, 2016