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Best of 2021: ECF events and speaking appearances

At times during 2021, one could be forgiven for feeling that the worst of global pandemic was behind us. Vaccination drives had been remarkably successful in nu...Despite another year with COVID-19 restrictions, ECF successfully organised two major in-person world events – Velo-city 2021 Lisboa and the EuroVelo & Cycling Touris...

23 Dec, 2021

The impact of the pandemic in changing travelling patterns has been notable, with one clear example being the growth of leisure cycling and cycling tourism...Cycling tourism is booming. Over the past two years, the pandemic has acted as an accelerator to previously existing trends from across Europe, with more people choo...

01 Oct, 2021

The Pan-European Master Plan for Cycling Promotion was adopted on 18 May 2021 at the 5th High-level meeting on Transport, Health and Environment. As part of the...The new pan-European cycling master plan includes ECF recommendations on cycling infrastructure, funding and tourism and covers 54 countries across Europe and North Ameri...

18 May, 2021