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How can we help families to cycle more often? Why do some cylists prefer cycle paths and others cycle lanes? What are the road safety implications of electric c...

20 Dec, 2018

2018 was a year full of activities for the Scientists for Cycling network and its members. Here is a look back at the highlights of the year and an overvie...

17 Dec, 2018

On May 11, ECF member Latvijas Riteņbraucēju apvienība (Latvian Cyclists’ Union) organised the traditional Riga Cycling Conference, bringing together bicycle pl...

16 May, 2018

SAVE THE DATE: European Cycling Summit 2018 is taking place in Salzburg from 24th to 26th of September 2018 This year's event is being held under the motto “Cyc...

15 May, 2018

The Cycling and Society symposium series was launched in 2004 at Lancaster University. The symposia are linked to the Cycling and Society Research Gr...

06 Apr, 2018

In the framework of the final conference of the FLOW and TRACE final conference, ECF organised an inspiring workshop for its Scientists for Cycling network. Bes...

05 Apr, 2018