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2018 Highlights

2018 was a huge year for the Global Policies Team at ECF, helping cycling take its place in the international limelight with the launch of the newly anointed W...

17 Dec, 2018

The World Urban Forum (WUF) is an event organized every two years by the UN-Habitat since 2002; this year’s edition was held in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) from 7 t...

19 Feb, 2018

The World Bank and Embarq- the sustainable mobility initiative of WRI Ross Centre for Sustainable Cities, held the 2018 edition of Transforming Transportation,...

19 Jan, 2018

In the midst of a transport-packed week in Washington DC, ECF’s Global Policies Director Mr Marcio Deslandes attended the 10th SuM4All Fourth Consortium meeting...

11 Jan, 2018