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A survey targeting 1500 employees and employers across Europe is launched by the HEMA Project partners. How do employees go to work? Ho...

23 Jun, 2020

It has been well known for many years that cycling is one of the healthiest activities that we can do. During the medical pandemic even more, as bicycles have e...

23 Jun, 2020

The Green Agreement for the Promotion of Electromobility is meant to contribute to the transition of Greece towards a climate-neutral economy, and is in line wi...

09 Jun, 2020

In cooperation with 5 other cycling organisations, ECF co-signed an open letter addressed to the EU Commission and Parliament leadership on climate ch...

20 May, 2020

During the quarantine, cycling has proven to be the safest, most efficient mode of transport we have. It cuts air pollution, which is likely to help spread the...

12 May, 2020

Since the Velo-city 2020 Ljubljana Preliminary Programme was launched in December 2019, the world has changed. The coronavirus pandemic has hit our lives, our e...

11 May, 2020
Miguel Discart CC BY-SA 2.0

Author: Maya WatsonFrom Brussels to Budapest, cities are instituting measures to help active travelers keep their social distance while staying safe from cars....

11 May, 2020

The CFE Consortium opens a call for new members from non-represented countries to implement the CFE Certification Framework on national level.  The Cycle-F...

23 Apr, 2020

Author: Maya WatsonFrom Brussels to Budapest, cities are instituting measures to help active travelers keep their social distance while staying safe from cars....

22 Apr, 2020
"Cycling Oxford" by Tejvan Pettinger (CC x 2.0)

Author: Maya WatsonOn March 26, in the midst of the COVID19 crisis, the United Kingdom’s Department for Transport (DfT) rel...

07 Apr, 2020

Cities’ initiatives promoting cycling are popping up everywhere in the world and it feels like it’s just the beginning....

07 Apr, 2020

ECF attended and spoke at a conference with a difference last week. The first ever Digital Worldbike conference was held entirely online on the 31st March, beco...

06 Apr, 2020
