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In August 2022, the Ministry of Sustainable Infrastructure and Mobility published the General Plan of urban and extra-urban cycling mobility 2022-2024. In line...Persistent efforts and coordination by ECF Member FIAB pay off with the adoption of a cycling plan at the national level. As outlined in our previous report, cohesive gov...

14 Sep, 2022

Italian-British couple, Arianna Casiraghi and Daniel Rayneau-Kirkhope, along with their dog Zola, cycled 7,237 km to draw a huge shape of a bicycle across the m...Cycling couple break three world records for largest GPS drawing, aiming to raise awareness for cycling's effectiveness in reducing carbon emissions and to build politica...

23 Aug, 2022

Join us on Wednesday 5 October 2022 in the Albert Halls in Stirling as we welcome back delegates to our first in-person conference in three years. Attracti...

16 Aug, 2022