Out of Cars and onto Bikes: European Mobility Week

19 Sep, 2011
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Learning to live without a car may sound like an easy task for the everyday cyclist, but it can be daunting for those that rely on the four wheels and a steering wheel. Brussels and more than 1,900 other cities are promoting alternative forms of mobility, and the bicycle is playing a huge role.

From the wacky and strange in Austria, with cyclist’s being given the chance to marry their bicycles, to more policy oriented discussions in Brussels, citizens are being given a week to try other ways of getting round the city.

Emissions from the transport sector are increasing in Europe, and leaders and decision makers need to start thinking of green alternatives. Two wheels are starting to sound very attractive.

Car Free Day in Brussels

Brussels awoke Sunday morning (18/09/2011) to the sound of… well to a lack of sound. Europe’s car-centric capital saw the whole city closed off to motorized vehicles, (apart from public transport and taxis). Local newspapers noted that the city was 7-8 times quieter than normally is the case.

 A very symbolic day that will hopefully encourage more to take to active transport.

Orange Bike Days.

Early in the morning, ECF attended the Orange Bike Days Parade (organized by the Dutch Cycling Embassy), which saw hundreds of cyclists take to the streets in Brussels’s European Quartier. Sim Kallas, Vice President of the European Commission and responsible for transport, made clear that cycling was the best mode of urban travel in Europe. Brussels, recently awarded the title of “the most congested city in Europe”, is in need of some bicycle attention. Kallas was quick to quip that “in the future, let’s hope in Brussels that the city is congested with bicycles”.

Our Members GRACQ and Fietsersbond also attended the event, distributing maps, flyers and all sorts of gadgets to those taking part.

What else is happening around Europe?

Some of our members reported what they’re up to this week. If you find yourself abroad, but still want to get involved, consult our member list, and get in touch with some of our members. Below you’ll find a compilation of some our member’s activities. Note that you may need Google translate to read some of the links.


Grab a seat for the 5th International Bicycle Film Festival Vienna as starting-event for mobility week Vienna. 4 days of bike mayhem! There’ll even be the world’s first bike wedding ceremony. A great chance for people to marry their bicycles!

There’ll be a whole wide range of activities taking place, from bike safety lessons, and parties on Austria’s ring roads where no cars will drive.

Make sure you check out what’s happening in Austria

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Fietsersbond, GRACQ and ProVelo has a whole host of activities that are taking place in Brussels. Worth mentioning is the"Dreamcalculator" that counts the distances that are not done by car.

Sunday saw Brussels rid the streets of motorized vehicles. Brilliant Stuff. There will also be "Apero-Velo" for cyclists, as well as Orange Bike Days, organised by the Dutch Cycling Embassy, and supported by ECF.

More info:



Sofia municipality, the Ministry of Environment and Water Affairs, Sofia Development Association and Bikevolution Association are running a wide range of activities. From Bike Escorts, to concerts and demonstrations of all kinds of alternative transport vehicles, there's a lot to do and see. They’ll be having a big car free day on 22nd of September 2011.

Exciting stuff!

More Info

Michaela Raykova from Bikevolution association, tel. 0884 09 88 49.


Zagreb will have a wide range of activities going on, from Bicycle Press Conferences, to “the Slowest Bicycle” race. There’ll be a bicycle Flea market, a “kids Day” and on Thursday 22nd, there’ll be a car free day. It’s the tenth anniversary. So get on you bikes!

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Czech Republic

This year’s September 24th Critical Mass bicycling event and Experience a Different city festival put on by Auto*Mat will have a slightly different “spin.” Instead of the Critical Mass ride ending at one specific location for the festival, this year Auto*Mat, in cooperation with individuals, associations, and small businesses will be creating neighborhood and community events around the city that cater to cyclists and pedestrians.

There’ll be many other smaller events…and its likely to attract thousands of people, as was the case in previous years

More Info

www.zelenamapa.cz or www.urbangarden.cz


All keen cyclists will find the “Fertagus Bicycle Cycletour (Passeio de Cicloturismo da Fertagus) – It’s a tour around the Fertagus railway stations in Almada town with 22km of extension. On the Sunday there’ll be “Lisboa Ciclável” (Lisbon Cycle Friendly) – It’s a bicycle tour around Lisbon for all ages, with just 16km to cycle mainly in bicycle lanes. Mobility in Bicycle National Prize (Prémio Nacional “Mobilidade em Bicicleta”), to recognize individuals or groups with outstanding credentials in bicycle promotion All week there’ll be Bicycle courses for those who want to learn how to ride a bicycle in the traffic.

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In Iceland the official launch of the week will happen at a one-day bicycle conference. There are about 80 participants registered, amongst them people that are planning the new national hospital, politicians.

Amongst the speakers are three foreign guests, a philosopher, the minister for transport (actually for the interior), the mayor of Reykjavik, and also his main partner in the city government. Lots more planned, as well as photo competitions and other rides. Go Iceland!

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Seville, Spain is organizing a big bicycle demonstration on the 22nd September. Make sure you’re there. Nos vemos ahi!

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Cykelfrämjandet, the Swedish Cycle Advocacy Association is planning a full week on the island of Gotland. On Monday 19 Sep they will reward cyclists with a present to thank them for cycling and on Wednesday we are organising a seminar at Gotland University on Alternative Mobility with talks on biogas vehicles, electric car pools, walking, but mostly on increasing cycling. On Friday (23rd September there will be an extended day of European Mobility Week so that a social Midnight Ride thought the historic streets of Medieval Visby can be arranged to celebrate the fun and freedom of cycling.

More Info

You can see more about this week on www.cykelframjandet.se and www.trafikantveckan.nu.. Info in Swedish.


In the capital, Kyiv, there’ll be a wide range of things to do. There was a car free area- closure of the downtown for cars on the weekend, September, 17-18. There’ll be a Public campaign "Cycle parade without borders" in casual clothes. There’ll also be Bike trips around the city to teach new cyclists how to bike safely. And of course an Installation of bicycle rack near Kyiv city Council. Many more activities, so check out the official program.

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Have more events you'd like to add to this page? More photos or news you'd like to share with the cycling world. Send an email to communications officer, Julian Ferguson


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