Ireland: Destination Westport and Westport Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with Mayo County Council, join CRC network

14 Apr, 2022
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Destination Westport and Westport Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with Mayo County Council, become the first Irish member of ECF’s Cities & Regions for Cyclists network.

The European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) is proud to announce that Destination Westport and Westport Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with Mayo County Council, have joined our Cities & Regions for Cyclists (CRC) network as the first ever member from Ireland.

The partnership supports the Cycle-Friendly Clew Bay initiative, a project led by Cycling Solutions Ireland, the country’s National Cycle-Friendly Employer Coordinator.

The initiative builds on ECF’s Cycle-Friendly Employer Certification with the objective to encourage cycle tourism and sustainable travel in the Clew Bay area by cultivating a cycle-friendly culture among local businesses. Geared towards cycle-friendly services and customer traffic, employers and hosts in the area are signing up for certification. Recently developed cycle routes will soon be populated with “Cycle Friendly Hosts” and the initiative’s website is to become a hub for a cycling tourist to plan their holiday in the Clew Bay region.

County Mayo boasts the Great Western Greenway – a cycling and walking greenway stretching from the town of Westport to Achill Island. Works on the Greenway opened in 2010 and a year later extensions were finished lengthening the route to 42 km, almost entirely off-road. Bike-sharing services, the Westport Bike Hire and the Clew Bay Bike Hire, already have bases placed along the route.

Future plans will extend the Greenway even further to take in more areas in the wider Westport and Clew Bay area. The Greenway has won several awards so far, including European Destination of Excellence, an award for the community spirit of the Greenway landowners for allowing their land to be used and developed, and a LAMA award, which recognizes and celebrates community and councils working together.

“We are delighted to have been invited to join the Cities & Regions for Cyclists network,” said Jim Power, Administrative Officer, Mayo County Council. “We look forward to building connections with other regions and sharing ideas and solutions on how to promote cycling and sustainable travel in our region.”

“Clew Bay is a cyclist’s paradise,” said Michael O’Boyle, CEO of Cycling Solutions Ireland. “We are very proud that the region has been invited to join the Cities & Regions for Cyclists network in recognition of the commitment of local government and business communities to making the area welcoming to cyclists. We look forward to seeing cycling tourism and transport flourishing in the area in future.”

Photo courtesy of Mayo County Council’s Tourism Department

Westport itself, a town of County Mayo, was selected as one of the three first Smarter Travel Demonstration towns in Ireland for 2012-2016. This involved funding to develop walking and cycling greenways around the town and transformed it into a model town to highlight the advantages of sustainable and environmentally friendly travel.

Much of the €5.5 million investment has been on infrastructural works (between 2012-2016), particularly new Greenways which connect residential areas with schools, workplaces and the Town Centre. In addition, multiple projects have been implemented to give more space to cyclists and pedestrians: wider footpaths, an increased number of crossings, new street lighting, bike parking facilities and lockers have been introduced. The Westport Hinterland Active Travel Network Strategy is currently being prepared and is due for completion this year.

The partnership of Destination Westport, Westport Chamber of Commerce and Mayo County Council joins more than 40 cities and regions in ECF’s network bringing together local and regional administrations actively working to promote cycling as a mode of transport and leisure.

For more information on our network and how to join, visit our Cities & Regions for Cyclists page.

Cover photo courtesy of Mayo County Council’s Tourism Department


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