Bike2Work Flash Mob joined by Minister of Health and Mayor of Kiev!

17 May, 2017
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On April 25th Kiev joined a Bike2Work Day organised by Ukrainian ECF member, Kiev Cyclists' Association (AVK).  

The Minister of Healthcare of Ukraine, Ulyana Suprun, and the Mayor of Kiev, Vitalii Klitchko, both joined the event.

The flash mob, organised to promote urban cycling, started with a morning gathering of participants in a local park for coffee and breakfast. The participants celebrated the growing number of urban cyclists in Kiev, which reaches almost 7000 people per day! 

Mayor of Kiev

"The most critical issue for bicycle users is a lack of quality cycling infrastructure" - says Anastasiya Makarenko, AVK Director. 

Mayor of Kyiv, Vitalii Klitchko, announced that this year bus lanes will be open to cyclists as part of an experiment around the city. "Our goal is to make Kyiv safe and comfortable for cycling" - emphasized the mayor. 


Minister of Healthcare of Ukraine



"In addition to positive emotions and energy, cycling commuting is disease prevention in action. Research proves that regular cycling trips lower the risk of cancer by 45% and the risk of cardiovascular diseases by 46%. I invite everyone to lead an active lifestyle and take care of personal health" - says Ulyana Suprun, Minister of Healthcare of Ukraine.




AVK appreciates the support of the spring Bike2Work Day partners: Auchan Ukraine;, opportunities search portal, and Veloplaneta chain of cycling shops in Ukraine. 

Photo credit: Minister of Healthcare - press office of the Minister. Others - AVK. 



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