Cycling Forum Europe: Cycling gets support from the European Parliament

05 Dec, 2014
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The inauguration of Cycling Forum Europe on Thursday 20th November presented an opportunity for MEPs to state their support for cycling. MEPs from countries across Europe representing a number of political parties declared their common passion for cycling. Read their reasons for pledging support to Cycling Forum Europe.

The four co-chairs of Cycling Forum Europe led by example.


Mr. Michael Cramer (Green, Germany) renewed his well-known commitment for cycling. The Chair of the TRAN (Transport and Tourism) Committee in the European Parliament and host of the event stated that:  

The cycling sector has proven abilities. Now is the time for Europe to show leadership and take its development to the next level. Cycling can rise to the many challenges that Europe faces during this Parliament’s term and beyond


Likewise, Mr. Georges Bach (EPP, Luxemburg) expressed his support for cycling. As a co-chair of the Forum and member of the TRAN Committee, he said:

I will continue to work for better urban mobility and support initiatives that promote more cycling




Ms. Anneli Jäätteenmäki who has already demonstrated her interest in cycling during the MEP Cycle Tour (organised in September) says that she supports cycling for multiple reasons, one being that:

Cycling is democratic. Have you ever heard about a cycling dictator?


The other MEPs present at the inauguration also expressed their commitment for a more cycling-friendly Europe. 


Ms. Ana-Claudia Tapardel (S&D, Romania) spoke of some of the numerous benefits of cycling as evidence of her support for cycling in Europe:

 Cycling will help to make our cities more livable, healthier and less congested


Mr. Dario Tamburrano (EFD, Italy), member of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy and who is a cyclist and who has been a supporter of Cycling Forum Europe since the MEP Cycle Tour, pointed out that the urgency of the climatic  situation  should mean  greater investments in cycling:

We are running out of time to protect Europe’s climate and to improve its energy and transport systems resilience. I will support any initiative that will help cycling spread in Europe


Mr. Brian Hayes (EPP, Ireland) highlighted the economic potential of cycling, especially of cycling tourism. He took a local Irish case as an example:

A few years ago a greenway was developed on the West coast of Ireland, and it has helped completely revitalize rural communities through the development of the bike tourism industry. Ireland is a country that has a lot to benefit from cycling


Mr. Igor Šoltes (Green, Slovenia) insisted on the economic benefits of cycling too, pointing to the different sectors which could benefits from economic growth and new jobs thanks to cycling:

Cycling is a real opportunity for the regeneration of the current European economic situation. Cycling can be a connector between several areas; from agriculture to transport, industry, health sector and infrastructure sector. I think that Mr Juncker could find very good ideas on how to spend the 300 billion euros package in the cycling agenda.


Finally, Mr. Ivan Štefanec (EPP, Slovakia) who is an active cyclist himself, raised one of the most basic but significant benefits of cycling: the pleasure of pedaling and discovering the world from the saddle of a bicycle:

I cycled from Bratislava to Brussels. It took me nine days. I must tell you, Europe is much nicer from a bike than from a car!

You can read more about Cycling Forum Europe here.


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Director - Advocacy and EU Affairs

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