Velo-city day 3: ITDP presents the Planning Guide for Bike Share 2.0

15 Jun, 2018
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After months of consultations, interviews and data collection, the Institute for Transport and Development Policy released an updated Bikeshare Planning Guide, one of the most consulted documents when it comes to technically designing a bike sharing system.

“The Guide 2.0 includes all the major developments that were introduced in the market after the publication of the first edition: I am talking about e-bikes, dockless systems and deep integration with public transport. Cities now have yet another tool to make sure they plan a successful bike sharing system” said Dana Yanocha, Senior Research Associate at ITDP.

The Guide is a real handbook of best practices and hands-on information when it comes to design a new system; which complements somehow our own PEBSS Policy Framework, that gives a more strategic, high level direction to cities looking for guidance in conceiving and realising a system.


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