S4C Sessions in Velo-city 2018

10 Jul, 2018
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The Laboratory for Sustainable Mobility at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) in cooperation with the European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) and its global network Scientists for Cycling (S4C), invited researchers working on cycling-related issues from all around the world and all relevant academic disciplines to participate in the Scientists for Cycling sessions at Velo-city 2018 Rio.

The S4C sessions boosted the content of the conference, contributing to its main topics from an academic perspective. According to Peter Cox, Professor at the University of Chester and chair of the network’s Advisory Board, “academic research is an integral part of the cycling advocacy process”.

Each day of Velo-city 2018 featured a S4C session. The first day included presentations focused on cycling promotion in multi-actor systems of global megacities; the connection between activism and state policy in cycling promotion in São Paulo; cyclists’ behaviour in the wider transport system; factors influencing female cycling rates; integration between metro and bicycle in Rio de Janeiro in a socioeconomic perspective.

On the second day of Velo-city, the S4C session looked at studies around the cycling economy, featuring presentations on the cycling potential of small and medium sized cities in Brazil; the local economic benefits of a specific cycle paths; the link between energy efficiency and cycling; newest developments regarding bamboo bicycles; the social impact of cycling in São Paulo and many more.

The S4C session during the third day focused on the role of cyclists’ organisations and social activism in shaping public space and policies and on bicycle cultures in South America, both with great examples from South American cities.

Finally, the Scientists for Cycling sessions ended on Velo-city’s fourth and final day with a session on the impact of cycling measures and another introducing the concept of “Fusion Mobility”.


Visit the links below to check out the summaries of S4C sessions for each day of the conference:

Velo-city Day 1 - S4C Sessions

Velo-city day 2: S4C Sessions – Economy

Velo-city day 3: Scientists for Cycling sessions: social activism and bicycle cultures in South America

Velo-city day 4: Scientists for Cycling - Evaluating the impact of cycling measures and Fusion Mobility

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