Pascal Smet (Brussels region), Bernhard Ensink (ECF), Alain Flausch (UITP)

Launch of the EU Mobility Week by Brussels Region, Eurocities, ECF and UITP leaders

16 Sep, 2016
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Pascal Smet from Brussels Region, Nathalie Guri from Eurocities, Bernhard Ensink from ECF and Alain Flausch from UITP kicked-off the 2016 edition of the European Mobility Week in Brussels. 

Pascal Smet is very proud of growing number of cyclists in Brussels: “in the last year, there was an increase of 50% of cyclists instead of the usual growth of 13. It means that Brussels is evolving from being a city for cars to being a city for people”. Bernhard Ensink congratulates Cities for Cyclists member Brussels with these results that are really noticeable on the streets every day. He also reminds cyclists’ organisation all over Europe who are also participating in the Mobility Week: “We walk, we cycle, we take public transport and we also vote! We vote for politicians who make positive changes.” Alain Flausch from UITP also sees a clear change compared to ten years ago: "Competition between public transport and cycling is over, we now work closely together to ensure sustainable mobility in cities. The Memorandum of Understanding for closer collaboration, that ECF and UITP signed during the Mobility Week of 2015, is a clear sign of this." 

Nathalie Guri from Eurocities adds:“Smart and sustainable mobility not only helps to fight against climate change, but it also contributes to create jobs and growth and save in healthcare costs. Like Brussels, 1190 local authorities have implemented permanent measures during the last 12 months, meaning that sustainable mobility is important for our cities, not only during the next seven days, but all year long.” 

The leaders gathered for the opening of an exhibition of European cities that are investing in sustainable mobility. Together with Brussels press, they cycled on electric bicycles from one exhibition spot to another to admire and discuss the various best practices. 


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