How to Include Cycling in Urban Mobility Plans

03 Nov, 2016
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Bike Anjo, Transporte Ativo and UCB, the Brazilian members of the World Cycling Alliance, supported by the Instituto Clima e Sociedade, have published a guide “How to Include Cycling in Urban Mobility Plans”. Although this guide is based on the Brazilian context, it is a great tool to get some inspiration, learn from Brazilian experience and knowledge, or get some ideas for replicating similar initiatives.

It is a legal requirement (based on Federal Law) in Brazil to develop municipal and/or regional Urban Mobility Plans for Brazilian cities with more than 20 thousand inhabitants. Therefore, this guide contains examples of targets and objectives towards ensuring that bicycles are part of the Urban Mobility Plans. It also highlights the most important aspects of the National Urban Mobility Policy, and provides the guidelines for the inclusion of cycling in Urban Mobility Plans and the ways to get involved to the development of these Plans. In addition, the Guide gives an overview of desired cycling infrastructure to be created in the cities, as well as of the possible funding opportunities. 

“How to Include Cycling in Urban Mobility Plans” guide has been published as a part of Bicycle in the Plans campaign which intends to engage citizens, civil society, politicians, officials from municipality and decision-makers to develop their Urban Mobility Plans taking cycling into account. The campaign has already been implemented in 21 Brazilian cities.

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