FIAB is now an Agenda Setter for the Italian Government

09 May, 2016
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Thanks to FIAB, cycling has scored another success in Italy. Our Italian national member organisation managed to put the Leadership Programme’s teachings into practice, and has become an agenda setter for transport governmental agencies in the country. This demonstrates once again that supporting advocacy is the most efficient investment to promote cycling and enlarge the market.

A new traffic law is being discussed at the Italian Parliament. Thanks to the 30eLode campaign, a strategic and intensive action of FIAB, the proposal also includes a reduced speed limit of 30 kph in urban areas. If approved, the law would be a tremendous improvement in the safety of the most vulnerable road users, namely cyclists and pedestrians. Safety being the most frequently given reason for not cycling in urban areas, such a measure could significantly boost the number of bicycles on the streets of Italian cities.

The 30eLode campaign had the goal to increase the awareness of the Parliament, the Government and the public opinion regarding the need to reduce road casualties through the approval of a new traffic law. As a result, the Italian Minister of Reforms and Relations with the Parliament received a delegation of children asking for more security on the streets. The Minister had been personally instructed by the Prime Minister to receive the delegation.

Structured to involve key industry actors, civil society organisations and institutions, the campaign managed to reach a very wide audience and clearly shows the potential the Leadership Programme can unlock in local organisations. Under the influence of FIAB’s advocacy activity, in the past months the Italian Government decided to invest millions of Euro in cycling infrastructures, to promote both cycling tourism and everyday commutes by bicycle.

Empowering national organisations to be advocacy leaders and successfully deliver meaningful campaigns is the most cost-efficient way to make more people cycle more often. Through the Leadership Programme, supported by the Cycling Industry Club, several grassroots organisations like FIAB have already strongly improved cycling in Europe.


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Niccolò Panozzo's picture
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