Exploring Velo-city 2020 Ljubljana Subthemes: Sharing Public Space & Connecting People

04 Mar, 2020
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Read the next chapter of our mini-series exploring the three different subthemes of the Velo-city 2020 Ljubljana conference. This time, we will delve right into subtheme number two, sharing public space and connecting people.

Velo-city 2020 is all about inclusive, cycling-friendly environments of the future. To get a grasp of what these environments could look like, one needs to ask the question of how we can connect people through urban design. Under this theme, this year’s conference aims to collect and share knowledge on the opportunities that abound when a city puts a brake on planning for cars and starts reclaiming streets for people. Velo-city 2020 Ljubljana invites conference attendees to share their thoughts and reflect on how car-centric urban planning is taking its toll on the quality of urban life.

Strengthening Social Integration Through Cycling

Velo-city 2020 will explore how a safe, accessible and comprehensive cycling network strengthens social integration. The subtheme “Sharing public spaces and connecting people” tackles several issues at once addressing some of the key challenges that arise when different road users share the same space. What are the possible conflicts? How do we create functional spaces that provide safe access for all, including children, the elderly and people with disabilities? The scope of these questions is not restricted to urban areas but also focuses on connecting urban to rural areas.

As “Smart Cycling Inclusion” is the main theme of Velo-city 2020 Ljubljana, conference attendees will have the chance to examine how technology can be used to enhance urban space usage through data, measurements, MaaS (Mobility as a Service) and digitalised parking facilities. Disentangling this intricate web of interrelated ideas will allow attendees to envision smart and inclusive cities that are ready for the next decade of cycling innovations.

Following the submission of more than 500 abstracts from 49 different countries, a rich programme of over 60 sessions has been put together. Sessions on topics such as “Less Cars More Bikes”, “Designing shared space”, “Regulating Public Space”, “Cycling and İntermodality”, “Safe Parking and Theft Prevention” will give unique insights into the subtheme, “Sharing Public Space & Connecting People”. Have a look at the preliminary conference programme here.

Discover Ljubljana

The city of Ljubljana is one of the best examples of a city that ventured to close its centre to cars. Today, it is a functional, shared space for citizens and visitors! However, Ljubljana’s journey of becoming a city for people does not end there. The city is constantly working to improve and expand its cycling infrastructure with the help of the latest cycle-friendly innovations. To showcase its cycling accomplishments, the city of Ljubljana has prepared five different technical visits where you will have the opportunity to explore Ljubljana by bike and learn more about its journey of becoming a city for people.

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Anna-Karina Reibold's picture
Communications and Media Relations Manager

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