EU Parliament Listens to Cargo Bike Experts

08 Jun, 2012
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ECF Staff in a Dutch Cargo Bicycle

This week the European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) brought Cycle Logistics to the EU Parliament

“Cycles can deliver 50% of all light goods and 25% of all goods in our urban areas, and a great deal of that can be done without electric assistance,” said ECF Project Manager, Dr. Randy Rzewnicki at a seminar in the EU Parliament on Eco Friendly Transport.

Dr. Rzewnicki with Italian MEP, Vittorio Prodi at the EU Parliament

“Besides the huge potential to deliver good by cycle, there are significant health benefits from cycling for transport as well as no pollution and no harmful emissions,” Rzewnicki added.

Rzewnicki manages the European funded Cycle Logistics project that promotes cargo bikes to replace their motorised counterparts. Last month, the project was also lobbying the 53 Transport ministers at the International Transport Forum to recognize the potential of delivering goods by bike in cities. Now the project is set on getting the European institutions listening.

“Many light goods are needlessly delivered in heavy trucks, and these trucks damage roads deeply. Cycle delivery does not cause that wear on roads,” Rzewnicki concluded.

Italian MEP, Vittorio Prodi, who was hosting the event agreed stating that “pedaling is a healthy solution.”

And it’s not just healthy for the rider. It’s a healthy choice for European institutions. By 2030, the European Union wants to have CO2 free city logistics by 2030 and by 2050 it has wants to reduce greenhouse gasses by 80-90% .

If cargo bikes become the norm, these ambitious goals may just become a reality.

 Want to Know More

• See the Cycle Logistics Website: 

About the Event.

• The Seminar was titled: “NGOs & CRS: Working together on Eco Friendly European Roads” on June 4th 2012, hosted by MEP Vittorio Prodi At the EU Parliament. 

• Speakers included : Dr William Borthwick, from DG MOVE: Clean Transport & sustainable urban mobility (Unit C1). Speaker Stefan CRETS, executive Director of CSR Europe focused on having policy that promotes cooperation between NGOs & companies


About the Author

Founded in 1983, the European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) is the umbrella federation of the national cyclists’ associations in Europe, reinforced by similar organisations from other parts of the world. ECF seeks to change attitudes, policies and budget allocations at the European level. ECF stimulates and organises the exchange of information and expertise on bicycle related transport policies and strategies as well as the work of the cyclists’ movement.


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