Rethinking the design of streets and public spaces to improve climate-friendly active transport everywhere.

About the REALLOCATE project

REALLOCATE supports cities in accelerating their transition towards climate neutrality through the promotion of zero-emission, shared, active and human-centred, inclusive mobility.

The solutions implemented through the project focus on innovative urban design, behavioural nudging, smart technological and data-driven solutions to reduce actual and perceived road safety risks.

The three pillars to rethinking urban mobility:

  • Green

  • Safe

  • Inclusive


Cities involved

During the course of the project, 10 Mission Cities will work in five twinned pairs consisting of a Lead City and a Twin City, with the aim of:
  • Collaborating with technical insights and expertise on common challenges, barriers, good practices and innovative approaches and policies. 
  • Facilitating knowledge exchange and peer learning through regular webinars, study visits and twinning activities.

To find out more about the project partners, activities and how your city can get involved, visit: REALLOCATE.