Overview of the project

The 15-minute city (15mC) concept is an urban planning concept with the goal of reducing citizens dependency on motorised transport. As part of this concept, all citizens should be able to access key amenities such as shopping, education, healthcare and also their work place and recreational spaces within 15 minutes by either walking or cycling.

DUT CITWIN aims to help with the implementation of the 15mC concept in urban areas. To achieve this, the project relies on digitalisation; developing a generic digital twins framework that will allow the modelling and evaluation of changes to the active transport infrastructure within
an area.

How do digital twins work?

A digital twin is an urban planning tool used to test and analyse different measures before implementing them. By using real-time data and artificial intelligence, real cities can be digitally cloned and different scenarios, regarding, for example, infrastructure or traffic, can be simulated in those digital twins before trying them out in the real city.

DUT CITWIN's process

The DUT CITWIN project uses digital twins specifically to model and evaluate social factors, such as the impact of the physical environment on citizens’ well-being. Furthermore, for a more hands-on approach, two urban living labs will be created in the cities of Aarhus, Denmark and Eskilstuna, Sweden. Urban living labs are platforms for the collaboration of involved stakeholders. In different phases, from identifying central challenges, executing experiments, and evaluating and implementing distinct measures, stakeholders can work together to improve their cities. Combining digital twins and urban living labs will ensure that the digital twin framework developed by the DUT CITWIN project will be impactful and that it will actually address the needs of the people it is supposed to serve.
         Aarhus, Denmark                                                      Eskilstuna, Sweden

Main goals

  • Design and development of a generic digital twin framework within the context of 15-minute cities, replicating transport infrastructure in urban environments based on available public data and sensory data.
  • Definition of goals relevant to urban development in the 15-minute cities. This includes the formalization of appropriate qualitative metrics for accessibility, walkability and bike-ability related to the physical environment, including human-centric dimensions.
  • Development of policy evaluation method to assess 15-minute cities' sustainable transport strategies with the recommendation of implementation pathways.

DUT CITWIN Partners:

1. Université de Liège (ULIEGE)
2. KTH Royal Insititute of Technology (KTH)
3. University of Salzburg (PLUS)
4. Aarhus University (AU)
5. Aarhus Municipality (AAKS)
6. Eskilstuna Municipality (EK)
7. Triply GmbH (TRIPLY)
8. European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF)