Bike2Green aims at encouraging the daily use and adoption of active mobility through a kilometric reimbursement reward scheme.
About the project
While most Europeans can ride and own a personal bike, daily urban cycling still lags despite several measures and investments in cycling infrastructures. To address this, the Bike2Green project aims to encourage the adoption of daily cycling in Stockholm through reward-based incentives and a gamification scheme. Bike2Green also promotes social participation by engaging local shops so that the rewards are spent locally.
This way, the project supports the green transition to more sustainable transport as well as the local economy.
How does it work?
Participants of Bike2Green get a bike kit to mount to their bikes. This patented technology is connected to an app and monitors the length of your bike trips, which then allows our reward scheme to offer kilometric reimbursements. Participants are rewarded for cycling, with higher rewards for cycling trips to school and work, in vouchers up to 550 Kr (€48) per month. They can use these vouchers in the participating local shops. The shops then receive the value of the vouchers spent from Bike2Green.