What we do

How we contribute
to lasting change
for more and better cycling in Europe

At the European Cyclists' Federation (ECF) we know that achieving the significant and lasting change that enables more and better cycling in Europe and delivers the positive societal impacts of active mobility is a complex process.

Greatly increased levels of cycling require public investment in more, better and safer cycling infrastructure. They require policies and laws that enable and boost active mobility. Equally important are a strong civil society movement that advocates for change and a shift in culture and behaviour in favour of more cycling.

The change we want to see will involve various actors and will occur in different ways and at different speeds across Europe. While in a small number of places cycling is already a dominant way of life, most places in Europe have a much longer way to go and much to learn to become true cycling countries, regions and cities.

ECF plays a key role in driving, influencing and facilitating this change across Europe. To do this, we bring together all the stakeholders of the cycling world to make the case for cycling. We work to change attitudes, policies and budget allocations in favour of more and better cycling. We stimulate and organise the work of the cyclists’ movement, and we encourage and coordinate the exchange of knowledge on bicycle-related policies and strategies.

Our approach
and activities

  • Evidence-based advocacy, coalitions and campaign
  • Innovative research and thought-leadership projects and initiatives
  • Provision of tools, resources and trainings for our members, networks and other stakeholders
  • Developing and managing EuroVelo, the pan-European cycle route network
  • Organising, attending and promoting events such as ECF’s annual flagship Velo-city conference, the leading world cycling summit, and the biannual EuroVelo and Cycling Tourism conference, the premier event of its kind in Europe.

Our policy areas

Modal shift


Cycling tourism and rural connectivity


Cycling as a part of urban mobility

Thought leadership and knowledge transfer

Cross-cutting issues

A history of delivering
results and impact

ECF has a long and successful track record of raising awareness and influencing policy to help drive the change that contributes to more and better cycling for all in Europe.
This is a selection of recent achievements that our advocacy work has helped deliver: 

Development of the Pan-European Master Plan for Cycling

ECF contributed intensively to the development of the Pan-European Master Plan for Cycling, the first supra-national document on cycling policy transcending the EU. The Plan would officially be adopted by all 54 Member States in 2021. 

European Elections Campaign: Placing Cycling Champions in the European Parliament

Over 400 MEP candidates from different political groups and countries supported our Elections Manifesto and signed our pledge to become champions for cycling during their mandate. 

COVID-19 Cycling Measures Tracker

While the COVID-19 pandemic brought hardship to millions of citizens, it also led to an unprecedented cycling surge. ECF developed an innovative interactive dashboard to track pandemic-related cycling investments and improvements across Europe.

Money for bikes tool

ECF launched the popular “Money for bikes” tool, an online platform that helps businesses, public entities and cycling advocates identify fiscal and financial incentives for cycling at the national, regional and local level.

Read more about our 2021 highlights

Launch of the Partnership for Active Travel Health

ECF becomes a founding member of the Partnership for Active Travel and Health. This new partnership was initiated after our successful global campaign at COP26 which got support from 350+ organisations and resulted in recognition for cycling in the COP26 Transport Declaration. 

Read more about our 2022 highlights

Launch of ECF’s Cycling Infrastructure Tracker

ECF launched QECIO 2.0. This interactive tool uses OpenStreetMap (OSM) data to analyse the completeness, connectedness and quality of different types of cycling infrastructure across Europe. It contains insights on infrastructure from 37 countries, over 1500 regions and maps of over 460,000km of cycling infrastructure.

Read more about our 2023 highlights

European Declaration on Cycling officially adopted

The European Council, Commission and Parliament officially adopted the European Declaration on Cycling. It is the most ambitious EU initiative on cycling to date and recognises cycling as a fully-fledged mode of transport.

More highlights from 2024