
About EuroVelo

EuroVelo is the European cycle route network – a network of 17 long distance cycle routes that cross and connect the whole of Europe. The total length will be over 90,000 km when complete. The development of EuroVelo will lead to safe, direct, coherent and connected cycling infrastructure and cycle route networks that will benefit all categories of cyclists.


More information on EuroVelo for the press

Vision & mission

Our vision of EuroVelo is a fully developed and high-quality European cycle route network, which is well-connected to national, regional and local cycle route networks and other sustainable modes of transport, driving further increases in everyday cycling and cycling tourism, in line with ECF’s vision to improve and increase cycling across the whole of Europe. 


Our mission is to promote the further development of a sustainable, strong and well-connected European cycle route network which: 


  • Acts as an accelerator to increase cycling practice as a whole
  • Drives change in European and national policies and practice
  • Benefits all categories of cyclists, including everyday cyclists, cycling tourists and leisure cyclists
  • Fosters sustainable tourism 


EuroVelo 2030 strategy

What is ECF doing to develop EuroVelo?

EuroVelo is developed and coordinated by the European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF), as one of its core brands and activities, in cooperation with a network of National EuroVelo Coordination Centres (NECCs) and various other partners and supporters at a national, regional and local scale, such as project partners. 

EuroVelo is a registered trademark of ECF, and only routes approved by ECF can be called EuroVelo.  

The highest decision-making body in the governance of EuroVelo is the ECF Board. The EuroVelo Council acts as an advisory body for ECF in the implementation and operation of EuroVelo, representing NECCs. The EuroVelo Management Team, part of ECF staff, is in charge of the daily transnational management of the initiative. 

The transnational management of EuroVelo includes six work programmes: route network, services, marketing & promotion, monitoring and impact assessment, organisation, and financial affairs. 

ECF has designed a comprehensive methodology to assess the quality of cycle routes, the European Certification Standard (ECS). The methodology is based on a physical route survey that supports evaluation, planning, lobbying and advocacy objectives. When applied to EuroVelo routes and provided that specific quality criteria are met, the survey can lead to a EuroVelo Certification. ECF regularly trains inspectors to apply the ECS methodology.  

For more information visit EuroVelo for professionals.

EuroVelo in the TEN-T

ECF advocates for the integration of EuroVelo within the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T).

Following a detailed analysis, the ECF has identified 7,861 locations across Europe where the EuroVelo routes run along or across roads, railways or inland waterways constituting the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T). The total length of sections where a EuroVelo route overlaps with a TEN-T route adds up to nearly 10,000 km, showing the enormous potential of integrating cycling into the TEN-T!


TEN-T, Eurovelo & cycling

EuroVelo & cycling tourism

EuroVelo is the leading platform to promote more cycling tourism in Europe and beyond. ECF, with one of its flagship projects, EuroVelo, acts in 3 different fields by: 


  1. Encouraging the development of cycling tourism by sharing knowledge, expertise and know-how, with the annual EuroVelo & Cycling Tourism Conference for example. 
  2. Advocating for sustainable tourism in European and national policies and practice. ECF produces data to demonstrate the impact of cycling tourism via its EuroVelo Data Hub and takes part in the Transition Pathway for Tourism and is core-member of the Tourism Manifesto. 
  3. Promoting all forms of cycling tourism through its communications channels (, social media channels, EuroVelo monthly newsletter etc.). 
ECF's work on cycling tourism