Velo-city 2020 Ljubljana: Towards Building a Better Cycling World


Since the Velo-city 2020 Ljubljana Preliminary Programme was launched in December 2019, the world has changed. The coronavirus pandemic has hit our lives, our economies and forced us to question the way we live. As we now share the new version of the Programme with all of you, dear Velo-citizens, the bicycle has emerged as the safest and most reliable transport mode for the present and the future.

Among the devastation and hardship this pandemic has brought to people’s lives everywhere, rays of hope are also emerging – stories of human solidarity and cooperation are circling on news and social media channels, nature is recovering as a result of limited human activity and the traffic and noise pollution are down.

Urban mobility is also experiencing an important transformation. Social distancing measures have shed light on cycling as a healthy, safe, reliable, and fast transport option in the world’s urban centers and beyond, both for essential trips and outdoor exercise.  However, if we want this change to stick around and cycling to not be left behind in the post-COVID-19 world, collaboration, strong political will and concrete decisions are necessary.

Ever since the Velo-city series began in 1980, it has played a crucial role in the promotion of daily and recreational cycling. Being the world’s largest cycling conference, it aims to create a collaborative environment where cycling and mobility experts from around the world are encouraged to exchange knowledge in order to build effective transnational partnerships and push cycling at the forefront of transport and sustainable mobility plans. It is now, perhaps more than ever, important to solidify relationships and strengthen cooperation within the cycling sector and beyond so that together we can push for changes we want to see in our countries, cities, and regions across the globe.

ECF Velo-city Director, Caroline Cerfontaine said:

“It is high time to rethink our urban mobility systems and redesign our streets to push for more healthy and sustainable mobility. Velo-city brings together all those involved in the policy, promotion and provision for cycling, active mobility and sustainable urban development – the perfect opportunity for inspiring exchanges on how to change our cities not only temporarily but for a better future!"

Spiros Papageorgiou, Development Director, Cities for CyclingAnother important aim of the Velo-city conference series is to provide a space where imagining and talking about a different,  more sustainable, equal, and just world is not only possible but encouraged. People and organizations are currently speaking out against the return to “business as usual” and urging the world’s leaders to take a stand and implement policies that would improve our lives. Velo-city, therefore, offers an opportunity to extend this time of reflection and provides a platform to voice opinions and wishes for the future. With the strong focus on networking and knowledge exchange, it also encourages cycling and mobility experts, activists, researchers, politicians, industry, and civil society to work together and materialize visions of how post-COVID-19 world should look.

Even before the coronavirus pandemic started transforming our lives, Velo-city 2020 Ljubljana’s theme “Smart Cycling Inclusion" was directed towards defining smart and inclusive cycling-friendly environments of the future. Following the submission of more than 500 abstracts from 49 different countries, an ambitious programme of more than 60 sessions was put together.

Session topics span from insights on designing inclusive shared space, encouraging cycling for all age groups and physical abilities, cycling and climate resilience as well as on trying to imagine how the world’s urban centers would look and sound like with less cars. Entire sessions have been dedicated to advocacy work and creating successful campaigns to show the true power of cycling. Cycle-tourism is also present throughout the programme as is the exploration of different funding opportunities for cycling. If you are interested in having an in-depth look into the Velo-city 2020 Ljubljana programme you are invited to check it out here.

Velo-city 2020 Ljubljana conference is scheduled to take place on 15-18 September in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The VC20 organising partners are observing the lockdown measures and coronavirus situation in Slovenia and beyond carefully in order to provide a safe environment for the cycling community.

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