ECF at COP29 | Baku, Azerbaijan | 11-22 November 2024


ECF will actively participate once again at COP29 as a UN-accredited observer NGO, as well as a core partner of the Partnership for Active Travel and Health (PATH), and a long-time member of the Partnership for Sustainable Low Carbon Transport (SLOCAT Partnership). ECF will be represented at COP29 by CEO Jill Warren, and Director of Members & Networks Froso Christofides.

Events ECF will be speaking at:


  • Climate Compatible Growth Programme (CCG) Transport Day - Tools & Research towards low carbon transport, 18 November, 15:30-16:30, Hyatt Regency Baku – organised by Climate Compatible Growth (CCG), High Volume Transport (HVT), Asia Development Bank (ADB), GIZ, SLOCAT and WRI.
  • Unlocking the potential of sustainable urban transport for more climate ambition, 19 November, 10:45-11:45, SDG Pavillion, Blue Zone – organised by UN-Habitat, UITP and World Bank.
  • Active travel: a people-powered panacea? 19 November, 12:30-13:30, UK Pavillion, Blue Zone – organised by Active Travel England.
  • Transforming Urban Mobility: Leveraging NDCs for Sustainable Transport and Climate Action, 19 November, 16:45-18:15, Side Event Room 6, Blue Zone – organised by UIC, FIA Foundation, and UITP.
  • High Level Roundtable on Greening Urban Transport, 20 November, 11:00-12:30, Conference Room Mugham, Blue Zone - organised by the COP29 Presidency / Ministry of Digital Development and Transport of the Republic of Azerbaijan in partnership with ITF.
  • Action Event on Transport - Unlocking ambition for transport: Leap towards a just and equitable 1.5°C future, 20 November, 12:45-14:15, SE5 Nasimi, Blue Zone, organised by the Marrakech Partnership Focal Points for the Transport thematic group (ITF and SLOCAT) with support from the Climate Champions Team.
  • Accelerating Change: Unlocking Global Funding for Walking and Cycling Infrastructure, 20 November, 15:30-17:00, Benelux – EIB Pavillion, Blue Zone – organised by Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management of the Netherlands.
  • Walking the Path to Sustainability: Active Mobility, Public Transit, and Governance for a Greener Future, 20 November, 16:30-17:15, Portugal Pavillion, Blue Zone – organised by the Office of the Secretary of State for Mobility, Republic of Portugal.
  • Global Climate Action Closing Event: Champions for Change: Celebrating Progress and Potential in Global Climate Action, 21 November, 17:30-18:30, Nasimi, Blue Zone – organised by the COP28 and COP29 UN Climate Change High-Level Champions.


PATH New Knowledge Tools and Open Letter


The Partnership for Active Travel and Health (PATH) calls on national governments to commit to walking and cycling in the next round of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to reach climate goals and improve people’s health and lives.

Enabling more people to walk and cycle safely and to access public transport by foot and by bicycle can help cut transport emissions in half by 2030 and is a fast-track way to achieve progress on urgent climate goals and the Paris Agreement. Yet PATH’s groundbreaking research shows that walking and cycling are significantly undervalued in countries’ NDCs. Despite two-thirds of nations having active travel policies in place, there remains a pressing need for increased ambition, action, and investment in their climate commitments to fully unlock the benefits of walking and cycling.

PATH has launched a new set of knowledge tools to support national policymakers to compare and benchmark existing policies, build capacity, and adopt walking and cycling as part of their country’s climate commitments.

  • The PATH’s Active Travel NDC Template offers a step-by-step guide with 20 actions to create effective policies, including interventions to create safe and accessible places to walk and cycle, public campaigns to shift mobility habits and embed walking and cycling into policy processes.
  • The PATH Walking and Cycling Regional Fact Sheets feature a comprehensive set of infographics analysing NDCs and walking and cycling policies across the six WHO- defined regions, detailing their objectives, actions, investments, and evaluations.

We urge countries to take full advantage of these tools to build walking and cycling into their climate commitments through the next round of NDCs submissions between November 2024 to February 2025, ahead of COP30 in Brazil.


ECF, together with PATH partners will actively promote the call to action at COP29 on the ground and seek opportunities to present and deliver the PATH COP29 Letter to policy and decision makers.

If you have questions, suggestions, or would like to make introductions to people Jill and/Froso could meet at COP, please get in touch: [email protected]; [email protected]


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