The gender gap in the use of active travel modes (walking, public transport and cycling) is still an understudied subject that has only recently started to gain attention from the world of academics and policy-makers. One of the few academic research on this subject examines how men and women access active travel in 19 cities, across 13 different countries, in five different continents (Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, America).
Considering that gender inequalities vary across countries, it is likely that the gender gap in urban mobility also varies greatly across the world. High levels of gender inequality in urban societies often result in lower access to private vehicles for women, which increases their dependence on walking, cycling or public transport.
The study highlights:
Overall, the study highlights the importance of a gendered approach towards active transport policies. Such an approach necessitates reducing road traffic danger and male violence, as well as overcoming social norms that restrict women from cycling. Talking about women cycling doesn’t only mean closing the gender gap in urban mobility, but much more broadly it allows to open a conversation on gender inequality in our societies.
At Velo-city 2023 Leipzig we will talk about gender equality in active urban mobility and discuss the barriers that prevent more women from cycling, you can find the full programme here. Our speakers will present practical solutions to address mobility disparities across the globe during two sessions (Women in Cycling and Gender equality: closing the gap) at the international cycling summit. Don’t miss the opportunity to be part of the transition towards a more equitable cycling future.
Velo-city is the world cycling summit, where advocates, cities, decision- and policy makers, researchers and industry leaders meet to shape the future of cycling. Taking place under the theme #LeadingTheTransition, Velo-city 2023 Leipzig will include a session on Gender equality: Closing the gap on Tuesday 9 May 2023. Register for Velo-city here!