European cycling advocacy has rapidly adapted to the unprecedented occasion of the COVID-19 pandemic, catalysing a continent-wide cycle boom. Our members have targeted local, regional and national levels to increase cycling during and post-lockdown. Advocacy narratives were reinforced with a number of measures supporting pop-up cycling infrastructure, reallocation of public space towards active mobility, and reduction of traffic speeds.
Radlobby Österreich has been advocating for increased investment for years - on World Bicycle Day 2020 the Austrian government announced an investment of €40 million into promoting cycling in 2020. Funding for Cylistforbundet has been included in the national recovery package for a centre of expertise to increase cycling to work. Irish member welcomed the allocation of 10% of the national transport budget for cycling projects, stressing the need for horizontal and vertical alignments.
France's Fédération Française des Usagers de la Bicyclette published its 2019 Parlons-Vélo French Cycling Barometer while its dedicated platform of bike shops became the reference point for the provision of €50 vouchers to citizens for repair of a bicycles.
Its local member Paris en Selle organised the Grand Oral Vélo. In Germany, ADFC initiated a broad alliance of mobility, environmental, and consumer organisations to call for a sustainable mobility plan which prioritizes sustainable mobility options.
Fietsersbond Nederlands welcomed the achievement of one of its cornerstone goals, with 30 kmph becoming the default speed in built up areas. Portuguese members, FPCUB and MUBi welcomed the introduction of the LEZ initiative in Lisbon. Cycling Scotland launched the “Give Cycle Space” campaign to encourage respect for the safety of cyclists. Greek Member, Cities for Cycling co-signed “Green Agreement for the Promotion of Electromobility”.
This year we are proud to welcome to new members, Hungarian Cycling tourism association (Hungary) & FunBici (Spain) to the ECF community.
ECF’s Cities & Regions for Cyclists (CRC) Network brings together local and regional administrations from Europe and beyond. These members meet the challenge of reshaping their cities and regions for the benefit of their citizens.
Spain's Red de Ciudades por la Bicicleta (RCxB) published their Bicycle Barometer of 2019, showing that the increase in cycling in Spain has been driven by women. The city of Athens launched one of the largest active mobility infrastructural interventions in its history – the Grand Walk.
This year ECF welcomes the cities of Zurich and Lisbon to the network.
Cycling in Zurich has increased by more than 50% in recent years. Its citizens have recently overwhelmingly voted in favour of a “Safe cycle routes for Zurich” programme and the city is looking forward to the next steps in its cycling development. Lisbon released its MOVE Lisboa mobility plan renewing its commitment to a transition in mobility system towards active mobility.
ECF’s Cycle-Friendly Employer Certification Framework establishes a standard for bicycle-friendliness in the European workplace. Since its launch (2018), it is now implemented in 17 countries, warmly welcoming Ireland’s Cycling Solutions Ireland and Turkey’s ENVERCEVKO in 2020.
The role of Public-Private Partnerships is key for the successful implementation of Cycle-friendly Employer Certification (CFE). In Spain, collaboration with the Durangaldea Commonwealth has brought together 10 municipalities, 4 educational and research companies and 8 private companies to reach a modal share of 5% by 2023. In Poland, PUMA and the city of Gdańsk successly implement the scheme together nationwide. While in Germany, ADFC successfully collaborates with the city of Essen and State of Hesse by sponsoring informational workshops.