Cities & Regions for Cyclists is a network bringing together local and regional administrations, actively working to promote the bicycle as a mode of transport and leisure.
Exchanging knowledge, solutions and strategies and thus promoting political initiatives and practical work on the ground;
Inspiring and catalyzing cities to take action in promoting cycling by learning from each other and avoiding the dilemma of having to “reinvent the wheel”;
Putting cycling at the centre of urban planning practices, thereby triggering and supporting a change in political thinking.
Our members
Membership benefits
Support and benefit from ECF advocacy; ECF advocates for more and better cycling on a European level with far-reaching benefits for local and regional administration.
Exchange best practices; Our growing network provides opportunities to share knowledge and learn from other cities.
Participation in annual workshop; Every year the Cities & Regions for Cyclists network gives representatives the chance to meet face to face and exchange information on implementing bicycle plans, involvement of bicycle users’ associations, etc.
Get your work featured on ECF channels; As a network member you can multiply your impact by sharing your success stories on our communication platforms.
Free participation in Velo-city conferences; Network members are entitled to free tickets (in relation to their membership contribution) to attend ECF’s flagship conference on cycling as a mode of transport.
Stay informed with the dedicated network newsletter; Curated with up-to-date information on European cycling policies, potential partnership opportunities in EU-funded cycling projects, and calendar of relevant events for Exclusive access to the promotion of cycling.
Exclusive access ECF resources and knowledge base; Leverage high-level data and information on cycling policy, infrastructure, campaigns and more.
Download the Cities & Regions for Cyclists brochure.
*ECF is an independent not-for-profit association based in Brussels and all financial transactions take place under Belgian law. All income from Cities & Regions for Cyclists members goes towards ECF support for Advocacy in Europe. *The membership fee is non-contractual voluntary donation to ECF’s work which does not imply a contract to deliver services or a partnership with ECF or control over ECF’s work. It does not have any element of tax such as VAT or attract tax relief. *Use of received funds is under the authority of ECF’s board and its delegated officers as authorised by ECF Annual General Meeting. By payment of a Cities & Regions for Cyclists membership donation Cities/Regions authorise ECF to use some or all of the funds as co-funding to match income from other sources such as the European Commission.