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TEN-T, EuroVelo and cycling
Making buildings fit for cycling
Road Infrastructure Safety Management
Cycling economy
Cycling in all policies
Cycling Tourism
European Funding
Road safety
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Cycle-Friendly Employer Consortium
Scientists for cyclists
Women in cycling
1% for the planet
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ECF’s Cycling Infrastructure Tracker
Tracker Money for bikes
Tracker Cargo Bike Friendly Cities
COVID-19 Cycling Measures Tracker
Philip Amaral
Policy and Development Director
Portugal, USA
Board & Staff
Articles by Philip Amaral
ECF joins NGO call for EU to uphold public engagement in European democracy
Urban mobility stakeholders united in calling for an ambitious European Cycling Declaration
The European Year of Cycling 2024 is within our grasp
Prioritising cycling: What the European Parliament’s new resolution really means for cycling in Europe
Urban Mobility Framework: How European countries can boost cycling in their cities
Getting cycling noticed as a full mode of transport at the Transport Research Arena
European Bicycle Declaration: six European countries call for an EU cycling strategy
World Bicycle Day 2022: What does cycling mean for our cities, planet and future?
Cycling towards energy independence: Eight ways to reduce dependence on fossil fuels through more cycling
United Nations: New resolution urges countries to promote everyday cycling
The UK shifts gear: Active Travel England launches to “boost cycling and walking”
ECF analysis: New European Urban Mobility Framework is a major win for cycling
“More cycling in Europe”: How France can prioritise cycling during its EU presidency
Yvan Verougstraete: We need to have cycling in all politics
MEP Ciarán Cuffe interview: “Cycling is a huge part of my life”
High-level conference: cycling coming to full fruition at EU level
European cities are improving cycling for citizens