Ceri Woolsgrove

Senior Policy Officer

United Kingdom, Belgium

Articles by Ceri Woolsgrove

ECF co-signs a letter urging the European Commission to close the door on unsafe large vehicles
Vital piece in the jigsaw of lorry blind spot reduction legislation falls into place.
Bike theft across Europe and securing better bike parking
The EU’s motor vehicles need to go on a diet!
European Parliament votes “yes” to progressive text on EU bike parking minimum requirements
EPBD update: A recap of ECF’s lobbying efforts for better bike-parking provision throughout the EU
Making space for bike parking in Rotterdam
Lean, green, money-making machines: A comparative breakdown of the financial benefits of bicycle ownership
Road safety: Fewer EU road deaths, but most fatal crashes still include cars
Vehicle safety trends in EU legislation: Making our roads safer for cyclists
European Parliament calls on Commission to support COVID-19 cycling infrastructure expansion
European cities and regions call on national governments to improve truck safety vision
How we can eliminate vehicle speeding on European roads
ECF and other civil society organisations sign letter for EU ministers to beef up Intelligent Speed Assistance rules
EU cycling associations united in campaign to protect EPACs as bicycles in EU regulatory review
Warning EU member States on the danger of weakened Intelligent Speed Assistance in motor vehicles
Cycling safety, sustainability, and how to reign in vehicle speed
Road Safety and Infrastructure: How to build based on cycling safety?
EPBD: What Member States need to watch out for when transposing EU bike parking legislation into national legislation – ECF
EU Commission acknowledges regulatory flaws with large pick-up truck imports, following ECF co-signed letter
European Parliament votes to allow teenagers to drive trucks and cars
Road markings and white lines; the role of paint and cycling infrastructure