Partner Sessions at Velo-city 2018: UN-Habitat

01 Jun, 2018
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Through Velo-city 2018 article series we will be taking a closer look into sessions coordinated by ECF partner organizations and institutions and learn more about their main theme and participating speakers. The article series on Partner Sessions continue with UN-Habitat’s session: How can innovative data support local efforts towards better cycling policies and infrastructure and contribute to the New Urban Agenda?

UN-Habitat is the United Nations programme working towards a better urban future. Its mission is to promote socially and environmentally sustainable human settlements development and the achievement of adequate shelter for all.

Main themes of the session include: GPS Data for analysing different groups of cyclists, Measuring Air Pollution Exposure and Stress Levels of Cyclists in Kuala Lumpur, Cycling and the Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative, Discussion and Future Roadmap.

In more detail, enhancing urban cyclability requires a collaborative effort. Partnerships from grassroots, academia, tech providers to governments are essential in promoting and implementing safe, accessible and city-wide bicycle infrastructure and facilities. Utilizing new technologies to collect adequate data on cycling is one major ingredient to successful cycling planning and policies. Governments need to understand the value of data for informed policy-making, planning and design of cycling infrastructure.

The UN-Habitat session will feature exceptional speakers such as:

  • Angela Franke from TU Dresden
  • Stefanie Holzwarth from UN-Habitat
  • Jan Rickmeyer from GIZ and TUMI Partners


The UN-Habitat session is scheduled for Day 3 of Velo-city 2018; Thursday 14th June 2018 at 15:10-16:10.


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