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Cycling across Europe is the perfect opportunity to discover new places, and EuroVelo, a network of 17 long distance cycle routes connecting and uniting the Eur...ECF compiles a short guide on the best ways to reach Ljubljana, the host city for Velo-city 2022, by bike and train. Start planning your route now!

15 Apr, 2022

Strategic investments in sustainable tourism are essential to ensure a safe recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic an...

20 Jul, 2020

The third day of Velo-city 2019 ends with an engaging discussion: ‘Cycle Tourism’! Tourism is one of the world's largest economic sectors, supporting one in 10...

17 Jun, 2019

We continue our mini-interview series with the Velo-city 2019 Keynote Speakers! #VC19Keynote #MeetTheSpeakers #CyclingForTheAges Orla Carroll is Director of Pro...

21 May, 2019