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Before we dive into the year 2020, let’s take a moment to look back at 2019. Climate Change, the European Elections, and road safety certainly dominated this ye...

19 Dec, 2019

The revised Directive on Road Infrastructure Safety Management (RISM) has been published in the Official Journal of the European Union [1]. The European Cyclist...

12 Dec, 2019

This article was written by Arjen Klinkenberg, Project Officer at Fietsersbond (the Dutch Cyclists’ Union). At the end of August this year, Fietsersbond was hap...

22 Oct, 2019

By the end of September, the yearly count of fatal road accidents reached 1,000,000 victims worldwide. Europe alone accounted for...

09 Oct, 2019

The CIVITAS Forum 2019 registered a record number of 650 participants gathered in Graz, Austria, to share ideas and best practices on how to make mobility in Eu...

08 Oct, 2019

The largest campaign on sustainable mobility in the world has been officially launched on Monday: the EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK. A record number of over 3,000 cities...

24 Sep, 2019

In April 2019 the revision of the directive 2008/96/EC on Road Infrastructure Safety Management Directive was officially accepted by the European Parliament ple...

10 May, 2019

New winner in the 2018 edition of ECF's German member organisation's ADFC Bicycle Climate test: For the first time, Karlsruhe is the most bicycle-frie...

30 Apr, 2019

The European Commission released its latest figures[1] for the road fatalities across the EU last week. In 2018, there were around 25,100 fatalities in road acc...

09 Apr, 2019

Author: Dublin City CouncilThis research is being conducted by the Technological University of Dublin and Trinity College Dublin using funding from the Road Sa...

19 Mar, 2019

On 21th February 2019, the key EU institutions agreed on a revised version of the directive 2008/96/EC on Road Infrastructure Safety Management (RISM), recogni...

22 Feb, 2019
 European Parliament takes a step towards Safer Vehicles for Cyclists and Pedestrians

The European Parliament has decided that now is the right time to improve the safety of pedestrians and cyclists in Europe drastically by equipping motor vehic...

21 Feb, 2019
