PEBSS member Bikeplus just hosted a successful, audience-packed conference in Manchester on UK Bike Share, driving collaborative discussions, presentations, and...
Bike Share news keep filling newspapers and social media all over Europe (and the globe), often presenting contradictory views. Cities that openly embrace new m...
On Monday 20th November and Tuesday 21st in Brussels, PEBSS (Platform for European Bicycle Sharing & Systems) is holding its Cities + Smart Bike Share...
Even as far back as 2008 more than 70% of buses in the US had bike racks installed. In comparison, European efforts tend to be more limited covering only a few...
The Platform for European Bicycle Sharing and Systems kicked-off with a bang. Over a hundred leaders of the top global industries in the shared bicycle mob...
Responding to compelling interest generated from its Smarter Cycling initiative, the ECF is to launch a Europe-wide Platform on Bicycle Sharing & Systems (PEBSS), as...