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On 6 October 2021, Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) voted to sign off on a report that set out their long-term vision for road safety in Europe. The re...MEPs have signed off on a report that recommends more cycling in order to improve road safety by 2030. To follow up on this report, ECF has compiled a short revision of r...

29 Oct, 2021

Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) have voted this week to sign off on a road safety report recommending how the European Commission can best achieve its...Members of Parliament have signed off on recommendations for the European Commission to improve road safety across member states, with cycling infrastructure and modal sh...

08 Oct, 2021
 European Parliament takes a step towards Safer Vehicles for Cyclists and Pedestrians

The European Parliament has decided that now is the right time to improve the safety of pedestrians and cyclists in Europe drastically by equipping motor vehic...

21 Feb, 2019
ECF co-signs letter to MEPs in European Parliament to vote for safer vehicles

ECF co-signs letter with another 12 organisations calling on MEPs to be bold in voting for a raft of vehicle safety technologies and measures. The IMCO committ...

11 Feb, 2019

ECF has, along with 13 other organisations, sent a letter to the President of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani, calling for a ‘strong and timely’ respons...

15 Mar, 2018

It seems that we were too premature in our congratulations of the TRAN committees work in the Professional Drivers Qualifications. This legislation lays out the...

01 Dec, 2017

ECF welcomes a European Parliament report[1] voted in plenary today that calls on the European Commission to make ground-breaking safety technologies compulsory...

14 Nov, 2017

A good week for ECF at the Transport and Tourism(TRAN) committee which is responsible for transport issues within the European Parliament, has been dealing...

12 Oct, 2017