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In the framework of the European Week of Sport (EWoS) to be held during 23-20 September 2020, the “Healthy Employee, Mobile and Active” (HEMA) will be laun...

22 Jul, 2020

(Image Credit: Sport & Citizenship) PACTE project’s Active Education Workshop was held in Berlin on the 21-22 February 2019, bringing together a diverse gro...

26 Feb, 2019

The HEMA Project Kick-off meeting was held in Paris, France, on January 14-15.  Ten partners from seven countries met to pave the way for an exciting new p...

25 Jan, 2019

Promoting Active Cities Throughout Europe (PACTE) held the first workshop in Liverpool on November 15-16th, 2018. Hosted by the Liverpool City Council, a key pr...

28 Nov, 2018

235 million. The number of inactive Europeans today. Inactivity has become a major challenge for individuals, and the European Union, over the past decades...

18 Apr, 2018

There is a huge opportunity to promote a greater culture of walking and cycling. We reported in July about a brilliant initiative by Healthy Stadia, World Heart...

03 Oct, 2017

UPDATE 22/09/17: ECF was pleased to be given the opportunity to comment on the WHO Draft Global Action Plan on Physical Activity (GAPPA). The ECF submission ca...

07 Aug, 2017