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New studies, new plan: Brussels aims even higher after cycling grows by 20% and road fatalities decrease

One year after the implementation of the 30 km/h speed limit across the city of Brussels, various positive reports have shown a 50% reduction in road fatalities...New studies into cycling traffic and road safety in the Brussels-Capital Region provide remarkable insights two years into the cycling boom, while the city launches new p...

21 Feb, 2022

In December 2021, ECF Member Fietsersbond Belgium  awarded the European Parliament the title of Cycle-Friendly Employer (CFE) for its Brussels site. With a...The European Parliament has become the first European institution to be certified, receiving a Bronze Level Certification. The Cycle-Friendly Employer Certification Frame...

31 Jan, 2022

According to a survey conducted by the development bank, Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW), 75% of German households who regularly use their car are willing...A new survey shows that the majority of Germans would consider using bicycles and public transport over their cars if infrastructure and access to public transport improv...

20 Jan, 2022