Top European cycling experts to deliver a blueprint of the EU Cycling Strategy

14 Feb, 2017
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Key European experts in cycling and related fields have gathered in Brussels on the 14th of February, 2017 to continue the discussion on a EU Cycling Strategy blueprint document. ‘We are very glad to cooperate with the masterminds behind European cycling, and get their support for a common cause – the EU Cycling Strategy. Participation of world renewed experts ensures quality of the final document, relevance of our policy recommendations, and success of the Strategy’ – commented Ádám Bodor, ECF Advocacy Director.

It was already the second meeting that brought top European cycling experts from governmental and non-governmental organisations, industry and academia together. Continuing earlier discussions on the chapters of the blueprint for the EU Cycling Strategy, the experts shared their ideas on the cycling modal share potential by 2030 in the EU and defined Key Performance Indicators in order to evaluate the success of the future Cycling Strategy. It was stressed that a doubling of cycling in Europe would bring tremendous economic, environmental, health and other benefits. Moreover, it would help the European Union to fulfil its Paris Agreement Commitments, meet Air Quality standards, and it would contribute to social and gender equality, active and healthy ageing goals.

The EU Cycling Strategy blueprint document will be finalised this June, and handed over to the EU Commissioner for Transport, Ms. Violeta Bulc, at the Velo-city 2017 conference, with the campaigners goal to include the EU Cycling Strategy in the European Commission Work Plan 2018.

There is, however, much of work to be done beforehand. First of all, a public event on behavioural change and cycling is to be held on the 20th of February together with the Maltese Permanent Presidency. Participants will be informed about behavioural changes of 500 thousand commuters who shifted their daily habits and started cycling! Lessons to be carried forward to the EU level will be discussed during this event.

Furthermore, once a draft document for the Blueprint will be finalised in early March, public consultations will be open on-line. Everybody – authorities, civil society organisations, academia, industry, decision makers and every cycling lover in Europe will be invited to contact us and provide their comments on the developed draft document. Please, follow EU Cycling strategy news to hear more about it.

Finally, the third expert group meeting will be held in April to discuss the proposed changes, and to draft a final version of the blueprint of the EU Cycling Strategy.

Meanwhile, everybody is welcome to join our experts, partners, and more than 80 supporting organisations worldwide, and demonstrate its support to the campaign for a EU Cycling Strategy. Let’s achieve together more local jobs and low carbon transport!

Pictures from the meeting can be found here.

Contact the author

Fabian Küster's picture
Director - Advocacy and EU Affairs

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