Strong ECF presence at the opening ceremony of the Taipei Cycle Show

03 Mar, 2016
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Right after the closure of Velo-city Taipei the Taipei Cycle Show kicked off bridging the world’s biggest cycling conferences. As one of the strongest organisations in the world promoting urban cycling, the European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) and the World Cycling Alliance (WCA) was represented at the opening ceremony by its president Manfred Neun alongside political and business leaders of Taiwan, including the Taiwanese president Ma Ying-jeou.

Neun welcomed the words of the president of the Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA), Peter Huang, who said: “Velo-city took place for the first time here in Taipei and I would like to thank the ECF and the Taipei City for their hard work. Velo-city was one of the most successful in the history of the conference. The participants were impressed and surprised to see how much the cycling industry has helped Taiwanese cycling. Let's build on that example”. 

The Taiwanese president Ma Ying-jeou is well aware of the comprehensive benefits cycling can provide to his population, cities and society, from a whole series of points of view. During his speech, he expressed his strong support to cycling policies:

More that 1 million people use the YouBike bike rental every month, and that is a world record. If we are healthy we are spending less on medical care and public money

Read also: Taipei Cycle Show: Advocacy is the future of cycling according to industry leaders


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